Книги автора Lamb Victoria

The Queen's Secret
Название: The Queen's Secret
Год: 2005
Описание: Desire and power collide in the court of Elizabeth I Warwickshire, 1575. Pomp, fanfare and a wealth of lavish festivities await Elizabeth I at Kenilworth Castle. Organised by the Earl of Leicester, he knows this celebration is his last chance to persuade the Queen to marry him. But, a fickle man, he is unable to resist the seductive wiles of Lettice Knollys. Enraged by the couple's growing intimacy, Elizabeth employs a young black singer and court entertainer to keep a watch on them. Brought up by a spy, Lucy's observational skills are sharper than anyone at the castle realises, and she soon uncovers far more than she bargained for: someone at Kenilworth is plotting to kill the queen. Can the knowledge Lucy is gaining prevent the death of the monarch? Or has it put Lucy in mortal danger instead?
Her Last Assassin
Название: Her Last Assassin
Жанр: Random House Inc.
Год: 2005
Описание: Will love or loyalty conquer? Lady-in-waiting Lucy Morgan is once again torn between her dangerous attraction to William Shakespeare and her loyalty to Queen Elizabeth I. England is facing its gravest threat yet. The Spanish have declared war, and Elizabeth finds herself attacked by sea — and by Catholic conspiracy from within her own court. Master Goodluck goes undercover, tasked with discovering the identity of this secret assassin, leaving his ward Lucy not knowing if the spy is alive or dead. Meanwhile Queen Elizabeth is growing old in a court of troublesome young noblemen, while Lucy is struggling to love a man whose duties lie elsewhere. When the final challenge comes, these two women must be ready to face it. But there is one last surprise in store for both of them.