Книги автора Andrew Williams

To Kill a Tsar
Название: To Kill a Tsar
Жанр: Hodder&Stoughton
Год: 2011
Описание: April 2nd 1879. St Petersburg. A shot rings out in Palace Square. The Tsar is unhurt, but badly shaken. Cossack guards tackle the would-be assassin to the ground. And in the melee no one notices a pretty dark haired young woman in a heavy coat walk purposefully away from the scene. Russia is alive with revolutionaries and this is just one of many assassination attempts on the unpopular Tsar Alexander II. For Dr Frederick Hadfield, part of the Anglo-Russian establishment with a medical practice dependent on the patronage of the nobility, politics is a distraction. But when he meets the passionate idealist Anna Petrovna, he finds himself drawn in to living a dangerous double life... Set in a world of stark contrasts, from glittering ballrooms to the cruel cells of the House of Preliminary Detention, from the grandeur of the British Embassy to the underground presses of the young revolutionaries, TO KILL A TSAR is both gripping thriller and passionate love story.
D-Day to Berlin
Название: D-Day to Berlin
Жанр: Hodder&Stoughton
Год: 2005
Описание: Nightfall, 6 June 1944 — D-Day is over and the Allies have carved a tenuous foothold in 'Fortress Europe'. The future of Europe hangs in the balance as Hitler's formidable SS Panzer troops threaten to drive them back into the sea. «D-Day to Berlin» is the remarkable story of the Allied struggle for survival — the battle from the beaches of Normandy to the heart of Hitler's Reich and ultimate victory just eleven months later. The campaign to free Europe from Nazi oppression through the collective operations from D-Day to Berlin mark one of the greatest ever military offensives. The Allies overcame initial setbacks to inflict a devastating defeat on Hitler's crack divisions in France — a victory that was threatened just months later in the bitter winter fighting of the Battle of the Bulge. The final crossing of the Rhine and the advance into Germany changed the course of European history forever. In «D-Day to Berlin», we meet men and women from both sides — British, American and German soldiers — whose bravery and endurance made the final push through Europe the defining drama of the Second World War.
The Interrogator
Название: The Interrogator
Жанр: Hodder&Stoughton
Год: 2009
Описание: Spring, 1941. The armies of the Reich are masters of Europe.Britain stands alone, dependent on her battered navy for survival, while Hitler's submarines — his 'grey wolves' — prey on the Atlantic convoys that are the country's only lifeline. Lieutenant Douglas Lindsay is amongst just a handful of men picked up when his ship is torpedoed. Unable to free himself from the memories of that night at sea, he becomes an interrogator with naval intelligence, questioning captured U-Boat crews. He is convinced the Germans have broken British naval codes, but he's a lone voice, a damaged outsider, and his superiors begin to wonder — can he really be trusted when so much is at stake? As the Blitz reduces Britain's cities to rubble and losses at sea mount, Lindsay becomes increasingly isolated and desperate. No one will believe him, not even his lover, Mary Henderson, who works at the very heart of the intelligence establishment. Lindsay decides to risk all in one last throw of the dice, setting a trap for his prize captive — and nemisis — U-Boat Commander Jurgen Mohr, the man who sent his ship to its doom...