Книги жанра Журналы на иностранных языках

Картинка отсутствует
Название: Speak Out №6, 2003
Год: 2003
Описание: »Speak Out» — единственный в России цветной иллюстрированный журнал для изучающих и преподающих английский язык. На его страницах — информация об англоязычных странах, новости музыкальной жизни, короткие рассказы, сценарии пьес для постановки в школьных театрах, поэтические конкурсы, тексты популярных песен, кроссворды и чайнворды, психологические тесты, логические задачи, а также такие серьезные вещи, как образцы заданий, предлагаемых абитуриентам на вступительных экзаменах.
Speak Out №6, 2004
Название: Speak Out №6, 2004
Год: 2004
Описание: »Speak Out» — единственный в России цветной иллюстрированный журнал для изучающих и преподающих английский язык. На его страницах — информация об англоязычных странах, новости музыкальной жизни, короткие рассказы, сценарии пьес для постановки в школьных театрах, поэтические конкурсы, тексты популярных песен, кроссворды и чайнворды, психологические тесты, логические задачи, а также такие серьезные вещи, как образцы заданий, предлагаемых абитуриентам на вступительных экзаменах.
ABC from Hermitage Museum Collections
Год: 2008
Описание: Teach your children the ABC and introduce them to some of the world's great masterpieces. Russia's first Museum ABC book illustrates the alphabet with works from Russia's famous Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg.
Loft Concept
Название: Loft Concept
Год: 2007
Описание: A practical guide for people who are thinking of designing their own loft. You will find a lot of useful information regarding heating, floors, lighting, the use of colours, etc.
China: Converted Spaces
Название: China: Converted Spaces
Год: 2006
Описание: The conversion of old industrial spaces is something that is becoming a growing trend in large cities across the globe, and China is no exception. China: Converted Spaces brings together houses from within culture-rich China that exemplify the wonderfully practical conversion of current uses, and the immense creativity that emerges from these confines. Find refreshing ideas and unique cultural expressions within these pages as enigmatic photography and insightful text take readers through this visually stunning book.
Piero Lissoni
Название: Piero Lissoni
Год: 2007
Описание: Piero Lissoni cultivates the art of understatement. Although one of Italy's most successful designers, he is barely present in the media. Nonetheless, within the haute volee of international design there is hardly a company on which Piero Lissoni has not left his mark. So far he is known more for his furniture design rather than his architecture. He is often thought of as a minimalist, but in reality Piero Lissoni's aim is to create a complementary cohabitation of different styles. His highest goal is simplicity: as a way of thinking, as an attitude, simplicity holds a great inner complexity. For Piero Lissoni it is always imperative to scale down and get to the bottom of things. In the metropolis of design an architect automatically also works as both designer and graphic artist. So far the name Piero Lissoni has been more often connected with his furniture than with his architecture. Committed to the humanist idea that one should be productive in different fields, his Milan studio pursues allround design, creating furniture, houses, hotels and yachts, as well as providing artistic direction for prominent furniture companies, for whom, in a process of constant dialogue, Piero Lissoni creates a clear and distinct brand image. A chair is as important to him as a house and the planning of a kitchen as significant as the concept for a building. In his design he tends to merge complex conditions and relationships into holistic yet simple forms. As an architect he understands himself as a specialist for the whole composition. It is his intention not to get lost in detail but to bring the details into context. Great liberality and seductive elegance are the trademarks Piero Lissoni bestows upon luxury labels all over the world. He has played a decisive role in raising kitchen and bath design to cult status. He designs for practicality yet incorporates the ritual of the act. He attunes his design to human criteria and only then begins with the technical implementation. Both his designs and his architecture are «quiet». Sometimes he places a stronger emphasis on dimension, proportion or colour, but most of the time his concepts lean towards the elementary, towards light-and-dark contrasts as well as towards gravity, which is balanced by the usage of less ponderous elements in order to stress light, air and empty space. His graphic designs are bright monochrome and translucent but they can also reveal a dark side. The austere black-and-white creates a neutral basis to which green or orange are added. This synthesis expresses the will to contradict, a fact which plays an important part in Piero Lissoni's character. In many ways his work seems almost schizophrenic: it is simple and yet highly complex.
Cybercafes: Espacios para navegar
Год: 2007
Описание: The concept of the cafe, which began as somewhere to have a drink and socialize, has suffered a transformation with the arrival of digital communication. By adding the prefix «cyber» or «Internet» this type of establishment differs from the traditional cafe by offering internet connection at an hourly rate. The snacks and drinks are now a less important aspect of the business. Today the cybercafe is considered a symbol of a world interconnected to real time, an internalization of interpersonal virtual communication in our daily routine, as a clarifying example of the vast popularization of digital technology, principally in Europe, America and Asia. This collection presents the most esthetic aspects of all those cybercafes and their «surfing» interiors, which have survived the golden age of these establishments. It also gives examples of the wide range of typologies starting with the traditional cybercafe, and the subsequent inclusion of cyber lounges, hotel lounges, and education centers with e-learning methods.
Practical Ideas for Kitchens and Bathrooms
Год: 2007
Описание: In ancient times, taking a bath was synonymous with ritual, a cult of the body and even, in public bathhouses, meeting friends. In other periods, hygiene was not exactly a priority, so bathing facilities were virtually non-existent. The 19'th century saw an increasing concern for hygiene and so bathrooms began to be set up in a self-contained space that was considered as an entity separate from the rest of the home. Technological advances have led to new models and materials, as well as cladding that is more resistant to water. Bathrooms are now chosen with decorative criteria, and they have gradually gained prominence as a space for hygiene and relaxation. Bathrooms can be designed as big spaces filled with light and divided into clearly delimited areas, or as small rooms with highly practical means of taking full advantage of the space, so that users can benefit from their functional purpose while also using them to relax and rest-all this without forsaking the privacy that is particularly necessary in this room. The concept of the kitchen has evolved with the passing of time. At the beginning of the 20'th century the kitchen was a neglected room and it was exclusively reserved for cooks and servants, even in quite modest houses. Servants gradually started disappearing from homes and women had to replace them. The woman's role only changed when she decided to abandon purely domestic chores and seek work outside the house. With the new technological advances, the kitchen has opened up to the rest of the house to become a practical space filled with light. The gradual disappearance of the dining room as the family meeting place has made the kitchen the most important space in the house, used also for gathering together the family. More time is now taken to choose the materials and decoration for a kitchen, it is allocated more space and a wide range of practical ideas are exploited to increase its capacity and make its organization more efficient. All today's kitchen designs favor bright, comfortable spaces where preparing food and sitting down to eat become a real pleasure.
Ceramic Design
Название: Ceramic Design
Год: 2011
Описание: From the Neolithic age on ceramic material was used as a building material through out the world: in the Empire of China as well as in the Islamic and Mesopotamian civilizations. With its natural qualities and adaptability to various circumstances combined with technical innovations in the manufacturing process, ceramic is regarded even nowadays as a superb material. It is fire resistant, waterproof and hypo-allergenic. Ceramic ages with dignity and its style is timeless. In this book around 40 Designers and manufacturers are presented with outstanding projects and innovative designs on ceramics which range from exterior solutions such as facades to interior design on walls and floors. The content is arranged in alphabetical order of the designers. An index with the contact details of the designers and manufacturers is enclosed.
Broadcast Design (+ CD-ROM)
Название: Broadcast Design (+ CD-ROM)
Год: 2007
Описание: Broadcast design and television branding bear an important prominence in our world today. Audiovisual design, in terms of content and technology, is fast-paced: the TV landscape faces great changes in distribution channels and different content models. Those changes demand a strict strategic brand development, which should be suitable for the on-air designs as well as for a range of other media channels and merchandising.With Broadcast Design Bjorn Bartholdy introduces the corporate design of ten selected international TV channels like BBC, FOX or arte. It gives examples of on-air design positions, introduces the collaboration between channels and design agencies and features interviews of the channel's representatives. Enclosed is a DVD to show the audiovisual media in their natural environment: on screen.
Urban Restaurants in China / Городские рестораны в Китае
Год: 2004
Описание: This book showcases the interior design of some of the most modern restaurants found in Shanghai.
Contemporary Exhibit Design: No. 2
Год: 2006
Описание: Trade show exhibits must do more than simply provide an environment for product presentation. The total design must sell both the brand name and the brand image of the exhibiting firm. Consequently, commercial and trade show exhibits are more than mere merchandise showcases. Contemporary Exhibit Design No. 2 features over 80 unique and diverse exhibits brought to life in over 250 beautifully-reproduced color photos. These exhibits reflect the best work of top exhibit designers. Many are prize-winning exhibits selected from trade show venues from across the U.S. and around the world. The book is organized by exhibit square footage commencing with 300 sq. ft and graduating up to 45,000 sq. ft. The exhibits arc represent a plethora of industries running the gamut of clothing, sporting goods, automobiles, computers and electronics, home and building supplies, entertainment, insurance, banking, and many others. Whenever possible, exteriors and interiors are presented to ensure the reader appreciates the design and space utilization...and can sec how these specialized designers have used signage, color, lights, animation and decorative props to make their exhibits «shopper-stoppers» in the world of Show and Sell. Also included is a section on exhibits that appear in museums and corporate offices/headquarters where the main thrust is not to «sell» a product but to provide information, knowledge or background material that will eventually lead tobetter brand acceptance. Showcased are installations in museums, corporate offices, and «good will» examples by company's taking advantage of some moment in time or local event.
Great Spaces Home Interiors / Лучшие домашние интерьеры
Год: 2006
Описание: Interior design is currently one of the most innovative disciplines of architecture. Contemporary architects are aware that there is a need for multi-functional and polyvalent spaces and at the same time highly defined spaces that are pleasant and calm and make their inhabitants feel comfortable. The search for bold and completely original forms that are adapted to the lifestyle of their inhabitants is often a factor that leads to experimentation and creativity with forms and materials. In the works of architects such as Takao Shiotsuka, Gracia Studio, Jay Kammen and Simone Micheli presented in this volume — including floor plans, technical specifications, materials used and a commentary on each project — we find stimulating answers, ingenious solutions, unexpected points of view and proposals that will certainly influence the concept of architectural interiors.
Package Design: JPDA Member's Work Today 2006
Год: 2006
Описание: 1200 works by members of the Japanese Package Design Development.
Tropical Retreats: The Poetics of Place
Год: 1996
Описание: Tropical Asia is one of the culturally richest regions of the world. This lavishly photographed book is a sequel to the highly successful Tropical Architecture and Interiors (1994). It continues in its celebration, albeit selectively, of sensual qualities found in the tactile buildings of the region. The architecture of the tropics is indeed a delightful synthesis of simple materiality, consummate craftsmanship and rich moods. Many of these exclusive enclaves and private retreats, designed for an unabashedly hedonistic contemporary lifestyle, are a poetic response to the tropical climate. Others are inspired by a reverence for the unique traditions as well as the pristine environments in which they are located. The architects' appreciations of climatic and cultural determinants, as well as their awareness of working in a specific spatial and temporal environment, are strong and confident. The plethora of multi-referential architecture, with their tactile corporeality, also have a filtering-down effect, promoting greater public awareness of the inherent beguiling qualities of truly tropical design. Showcasing a wide range of invigorating works, the book hopes to convey the sensual refinement and expressive potency of qualities like tactility, lightness, tranquillity, transparency, ambiguity, shadows and synthesis — that all add up to the poetics of built forms in Tropical Asia. Threatened by the forces of universal commodification, these enticing works grew out of a poetic and allegorical way of thinking. They are truly architecture of empathy and resonance, one that grounds their inhabitants in the specificity and poetics of place.
New Houses / Новые дома
Год: 2005
Описание: In “New Houses”, editor Llorenc Bonet takes us through thirty six of the most spectacular houses built in recent years. Located all over the world, they are set apart by their imaginative and innovative design, as well as their use of the latest in construction technologies, newly developed building materials, and furnishings from leading designers. Some projects focus primarily on the landscape, while others take into account the conservation of both space and energy.
Style Shopping: Shops and Showrooms / Стильный шопинг
Год: 2005
Описание: Few would argue that retail is one of the most exciting branches of architecture and interior design today. The ever-expanding reach of shopping culture across the globe has dictated the growth of an intensely competitive market, in which design is recognised as a legitimate tool in the seduction of customers through the shop doors. And the manifestation of desire into built form has produced some imaginative interiors indeed...
Lobby Design
Название: Lobby Design
Год: 2006
Описание: 56 new projects present the new trends in Lobby Design all over the world. The lobby is a passing place, a transitory space. It is the first point of contact with the place visited from the street. The great challenge for the architect and client is to achieve a space in which the visitor would like to stay. The book is divided into chapters and gives an overview of all kinds of lobbies, such as in public buildings, airports and hotels but as well in private apartment houses. The projects will be presented in alphabetical order of the designers. As far as available plans will be shown. An index of contact information of the designers and architects is enclosed.
Plastic Design
Название: Plastic Design
Год: 2011
Описание: During the last 50 years, the plastic industry has grown at an incredible pace until becoming part of nearly all the areas of human activity. Plastic materials moreover have made practically any architectural solution affordable to all. This book contains dozens of examples and architectural projects which have used plastic in one or various of their features: walls, illumination, roofs, facades, furniture...The examples featured cover practically all the possible applications of plastic materials in contemporary architecture. An index of contact information of the designer and architects is enclosed.
Roof Design
Название: Roof Design
Год: 2007
Описание: Since streets become increasingly crowded, living on the top of a building promises privacy and distance. Rooftops have become the symbol of a new lifestyle — an extension and exclusive enjoyment of an area traditionally unused: the architectural crown of a building has been transformed into a new area for work or living. Architects, designers and town planners have seen in this final section of a building their last chance to let their fantasies run free and to dramatically shape the cities' skylines with extensions, attics and unique tops. This volume delivers a very close insight in the divers possibilities of the roof design of residential, corporative and other buildings. About 200 projects present the different types of roofs: Pitched roofs, flat roofs with planting vegetation, roof garden as a pool area or further floor space. An index with the contact dates of the designers is enclosed.